Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Gifts You Can't Take Back

Happy New Year!!!  The tree may be down, the fudge gone, and the gift wrap out in the trash.  You still have some gifts that you may have forgotten about...let's open them and consider how to use them as  you can't take them back!

My Christmas season was different in that we lost my wonderful mother-in-law unexpectedly on December 4th.  Our weeks since have been marked with planning her Celebration of Life, hosting out of town relatives and thanking people for their many acts of kindness.  As we read the many sympathy cards we received, I was struck again by how much even simple things we do matter and leave holes when we're gone.

As I think of the impact we each have in this life we've been given I began cataloging the gifts of God that we can't take back or return. He has graciously given them to us to use on His behalf.

1.  People to love on....  We each have lots of people in our lives that God has put there for us to love for Him.  We don't love them perfectly, but we can keep trying and ask forgiveness when we mess up. This is the most important gift we have!

2.  Time....  Each of us has 24 hours in a day, yet our days are numbered by our Creator.  Live with no regrets.  Jesus tells us that He came to not only give us life, but to give us an abundant life!  He wants us to live fully, trusting in HIm for our protection and provision.

3.  Purpose....  The Bible tells us God made us with a purpose, a special place to fill in this world and even the next!  He made us the way we are because our combination of characteristics is just what He needs to do the jobs or fill the purposes He created us for!

I was talking to a man recently retired and he said, "You know, I used to think it would be great to have lots of free time with no particular claim on it..but that lasted about 3 days.  I felt useless without a purpose." So it is with us...how amazing that God trusts us to do special things in His Kingdom; things He had planned for us even before we were born!

At the beginning of a New Year, I like to evaluate how I'm using these gifts I've been given.  We've been reading the book "Going All In" by Mark Batterson at Lovely Branches and the author is motivating us to really put what we have out there to serve Jesus.  The principles reminded me of another article I read recently in Sound Mind Investing. It amazes me to think of all God has invested in me and what He has entrusted to my care, or stewardship.  The author of this article, Matt Bell, uses The Parable of the Talents from the Bible to illustrate this point.  Remember the story?  The master gives each of three servants some money or talents to keep safe for him while he is gone. Two servants invest the money and earn interest, but one servant is afraid of losing the money so he just buries his.  He gives it safely to the master upon his return but is rebuked as lazy and wicked!  Here's what the article goes on to say:

"God affirmed the two servants who took appropriate risks and multiplied what had been entrusted to them.  In God's economy, we are entrusted and empowered to make something more of what we have been given.  The multiplication is best seen when we use money (or time and energy-my add)
in ways that enable us to fulfill the three overarching purposes of our life:

To love God, love people, and use our God-given talents and passions to make a difference.
These purposes lead to a countercultural way of prioritizing the use of money.  Our culture teaches us to make lifestyle spending our highest financial priority.  Next come debt payments that come from the first spend-first priorities.  If any money is left over, we should save, invest and maybe even give some.

Scripture flips this approach on its head.  It makes clear that God wants us to approach life from an other-centered point of view, which is why He teaches us to make generosity our first financial priority.  (Proverbs 3:9)  He wants us to use His resources to care for the poor (Proverbs 19:17), share the Gospel (Matthew 28:19-20), and help provide for those who teach us His word. (Galatians 6:6)".

Financially, we need to also stay or get out of the bondage of debt, have some savings, invest patiently and THEN use what is left to support our lifestyle.

What a difference in how God wants us to use those things He has entrusted to us compared to what we see and hear in the world.  Even knowing these principles, I have spent too much time, money and energy on lifestyle even though I want it to be pleasing to God.

As we go into 2014, remember the principles of good stewardship:  Invest in others and help the poor, be generous, share the Gospel, and provide for those who teach His Word.  Which is just another way to seek His Kingdom first...and remember the rest?....  All things will be added unto you...an abundant life, with people to love, time, purpose and provision to do God's will with what He has entrusted to you.

Let's get going...there are people to see and love, things to do.  When we turn our priorities upside down, we can turn our world upside down as well!

Use those gifts and Go All In!

1 comment:

  1. Suzanne, those are such great reminders. I referenced the All In book in the devotion on lovelybranches.org website and also made it the Book Recommend for January. It is such a great book! I also appreciate your reference to Iolene. She made a huge kingdom impact in so many lives by the simple and gracious ways she served. You are not much different from her my friend. You amaze me! Thanks for sharing your words and your heart. Blessings for a Happy New Year! Edna
