Saturday, December 1, 2012


December is the time we prepare our homes and our hearts to celebrate the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Immerse yourself and your family in the sounds, sights, smells and tastes of Christmas--those things that make the season special to you.  This is the time of year when our spiritual dullness is shaken off and our senses quickened by the music and wonder of the Christmas story. 
At top of your Christmas gift or devotional list, I recommend going to your nearest Christian bookstore or the internet and purchasing the book, The Jesus Storybook Bible, Every story whispers His name,  by Sally Lloyd Jones. I have several copies right keep, to use with the kids in AWANA and children's church, and the rest for gifts for my kids and granddaughter .  The great thing about this Bible is that every story of famous Bible characters is linked to God's great rescue plan begun in the Garden of Eden after man's fall into sin.
Here's an excerpt from The Jesus Storybook Bible:

The Bible is most of all a story.  It's an adventure story about a young Hero who comes from a far country to win back his lost treasure.  It's a love story about a brave Prince who leaves his palace, his throne-everything-to rescue the one He loves.  It's like the most wonderful of fairy tales that has come true in real life.  You see, the best thing about this story is-it's true.....all the stories are telling one Big Story.  The story of how God loves 
his children and comes to rescue them....At the center of this Story there is a baby....

Celebrate Advent, the coming of God's special baby or Emmanuel.  You can order a wreath from a florist, or make your own.  Traditionally purple and pink candles are used to illustrate the Hope, Peace, Love and Joy lessons of each Sunday before Christmas.  Gather as a family to make your Advent wreath and read the scriptures for each Sunday.  Again, Christian bookstores or even the internet can provide you with devotions to use for this activity.  (Ann Voskamp's blog, has some good information to use for Advent)

Talk to your children about the real meaning of Christmas.  Gather your family several nights during the season and make your manger scene interactive..only put out the figures that go with the reading of the Biblical account .  Begin with Luke 2, the angel appearing to Mary.  Add Joseph  later and then read the portion of scripture commanding them to travel to Bethlehem.  So far you have Joseph, Mary and the donkey. On Christmas Eve, they get to a stable and then you add the Christ child.  Add the angels, shepherds and sheep.  A day or two later, read the scripture about the star appearing and the wisemen coming to bring gifts to Jesus.  Go to and look at their Christmas manger scene with devotions called, "What God wants for Christmas."

Simplify your decor and gifting.  Tell the kids that Jesus got 3 gifts and that's what they'll get, too.  Give some other items or money to others..gently used toys and clothing, or contribute to Christian relief organizations. (See last month's blog for ideas). 
Use items found in nature this year to decorate...pine, cedar, pine cones,and holly.  Spray paint some tree branches white, silver or gold and display in a glass container with Epsom salt "snow" at the bottom.
Produce from the store is beautiful and edible!  Use red and green apples, cranberries floated in water with a pillar candle, and lemons and limes.
Simplify your schedule by deciding early with your family what things you really want to do, and what things can be eliminated so that you have some evenings free to be a family together and enjoy your decorated home.  Serve hot coca, read the Christmas story from the Bible, watch a Christmas movie or go car caroling.   Remember whose birthday we're celebrating and give Him gifts..of loving service to others, of a glad heart and of a contented, peaceful spirit.  At the first Christmas, people missed Jesus in their midst because they were so busy...let's make time to seek Him and to worship Him.  He is after all, Emmanuel, God with us. 
" there, in the stable, amongst the chickens and the donkeys and the cows, in the quiet of the night, God gave the world his wonderful gift.  The baby that would change the world was born .  His Baby son.....God was sending our Rescuer..... Because God loves us with a Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.  (from the Jesus Storybook Bible)
Merry Christmas!!

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