Happy Spring and Easter--the season of Hope! Read on, to take hold of HOPE. Spread it around, celebrate Easter, and engage in more acitivites for radical living and giving--with homework--spring break is over! Jesus came to rescue us from our old dead-in-sin lives to give us new hope-filled eternal lives. Consider these Hope verses:
"Praise be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By His boundless mercy we have been born again to an ever-living HOPE (emphasis mine) through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. -1 Peter 1:3 "I have come that they may have new life, and that they may have it more abundantly. -John 10:10 "We have this HOPE as an anchor for our soul, firm and secure."-Hebrews 6:19 The Reason for our Hope--the Cross and Empty Tomb In the book,
The Power of a Positive Woman, by Karol Ladd, one of her chapters is called Becoming a Woman of Hope. She tells two compelling stories about the hope of the cross. The first happened at the funeral of former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev. Before the soldiers surrounding his casket closed the lid, his wife stepped forward and made the sign of the cross over her husband's chest. In this atheistic country, her action was one of hope--"she hoped for life beyond the grave. She hoped for mercy. She hoped for salvation. And she based this hope on a man who died on a cross two thousand years ago."(p. 223) The next hope of the cross story Ladd relates also occurs in the former Soviet Union. Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a Soviet political prisoner who was starving and gravely ill. He was forced to work 12 hour days shoveling sand in the hot sun. Being so very ill and mal-nourished, one day he just stopped shoveling. He knew the punishment by the guards would be a severe beating, but he just couldn't keep on. He saw a Christian prisoner moving toward him who drew a cross in the sand with his cane, before quickly erasing it. "In that brave gesture of love and encouragement, all the hope of the Gospel flooded Solzhenitsyn's soul. That hope helped him endure that difficult day as well as the months and years of prison life that followed." (p. 225)
As Ladd says, "The hope of the cross is powerful. It is the hope that Christ paid the price for our salvation. It is the hope that Christ rose from the dead and that the same power that raised him from the dead is at work in our lives. We can rejoice in this hope, and we can rest in it." (p.225) We have a living hope through Jesus that can never be taken away from us. Ladd points out that we have several reasons for hope, or looking forward to the best. We hope for eternal life with Jesus in our forever home, Heaven, no matter what difficulties and trials we go through here on earth. We have the hope that God works even those things out for the good in our lives, that He will never leave us or forsake us, that He loves us and forgives us, giving us a new start when we need one.
"Put your HOPE in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption."-Psalm 130:7 Our hope is in the Lord. This is the only hope that will not fail us. Our society puts hope in a lot of things other than God's promises. We think that a full and happy life will be ours if we only make this amount of money, buy this car, have this kind of house, go to this place, use this beauty product. (anti-aging products, anyone?)(Ask me sometime about putting mayonaise in my hair in the hope that it would be the conditioner that would finally smooth my frizz!) We all have been duped by putting our hope for happiness in the wrong things. Madison Avenue convinces us that all will be well if only we try one more product. Nothing will last or fulfill our yearnings other than God.
"May the God of your HOPE so fill you with all joy and peace in believing that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing with HOPE." -Romans 15:13 Since we have been given the gift of hope by Jesus' death for our sins and his glorious resurrection, Ladd points out that
Christians should be the most optimistic people around! "
Be joyful in Hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."-Romans 12:12 In this season of Lent and Easter, maybe it's time for another Radical living experiment.
A little "homework", No more Grumbling, Whining, or Complaining--after all, our Hope is in the Lord! I heard of a pastor who gave his congregation wrist bands that said "No Grumbling" to wear on their right hands. Whenever they complained, they had to switch it to their left hand. The pastor found that it took 2 weeks before he could make it a day without having to switch it from one wrist to the other! (The original goal was to keep the wrist band on their right hand for 21 days--time needed to break a habit) How long would it take before we could stop complaining and "be patient in affliction, faithful in prayer"? Instead of the wristband, I have a "blessings box" for Lent. Along with adding change for blessings, I'm going to fine myself every time I whine and grumble. The money goes to a mission project our church is doing in Philadelphia--I'm going to be sending some major bucks their way, I think!
"May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good HOPE , encourage you in every good deed and word." -2Thess 2:16-17 We need to share our Hope--giving others hope and encouragement (to put courage in)when theirs is gone is one of the best things we will ever do. As in the story of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, it can give others the strength to go on. We have all been in circumstances where our hope was about gone, and others have spoken hope to us, put courage into us by reminding us of God's promises and the cause for our Hope.
This Easter, along with ham or hard boiled dyed Easter eggs, serve some words of Hope and encouragement to those around you.
Radical Giving--serving words of hope and encouragement doesn't cost anything but your time and sensitivity to others. Here are some other ways to spread Hope this Easter: *Celebrate our Hope during
Holy Week. Invite friends and family to a Seder or Passover Feast on the Thursday evening preceeding Easter. Read the account of the Last Supper in Mark 14:13. On Good Friday, attend services or create a sober, solemn atmosphere in your own home by reading the account of Jesus' resurrection in Mark 15. You could even not turn on your electric lights or any "entertainment" to symbolize the darkness and hopelessness people felt that day! A day of fasting and prayer, reflecting on the suffering and cost of the cross on our behalf makes Easter even more joyful. On Easter Sunday, serving cinnamon rolls with a frosting cross reminds us of the power of the cross and be sure to have an empty plastic Easter egg at everyone's place. When kids open the egg, they find it empty--just as the tomb was empty on Easter morning--you could include a piece of paper that says, "He is Risen! He is not here."-Mark 16:6 (For more ideas to use with kids, including the Resurrection cookie recipe, see blog archives in "Caring for Kids and Others", March 2010.) *For a great object lesson on new life, give kids beans and have them dampen them in water and wrap in a damp paper towel. Place in a plastic bag and watch them sprout in a few days--what looked dead has come to life! So it was with Jesus (who appeared to over 500 people after His crucifixion) and so it is with us when we put our faith, trust and HOPE in what Jesus did for us on the cross--we get new life in God's forever family!
Other Radical Giving Ideas: *Relief to Japan-Pray! Send money gifts to Samaritan's Purse, a Christian organziation specializing in aid to areas needing relief (they also do Operation Christmas Child) at www. samaritan'spurse.tv, or 1-800-789-1776. *Compassion International (sponsorship of children around the world) has a new line of greeting cards where DaySpring cards are sold. I purchased several as part of the price will go toward Compassion projects for food and medicine to the needy. (This is part of my "Charitable Spending" philosophy--not charitable giving, but spending!! Both are important--give to those Christian organizations who are loving the world for Jesus, but support Christian businesses by spending your money there,too! (My husband the banker thinks this "spending philosophy" of mine is a little suspicious) I'll leave you with this Hope-ful thought: "Behind the cloud the starlight lurks, Through showers the sunbeams fall: For God who loveth all His works, Has left His HOPE with all! -John Greenleaf Whittier
This Easter, Rejoice in our Hope! Be sure to read "The Message" at the Vine Press home page! (
click link in column to the upper right.)
And to know how you can have eternal HOPE go to http://lovelybranchesministries.org/HOPE.html
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